I have issues.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I know that I have mentioned that I have a lot of friends.  Well, I have a morning friend who I pass in the alley on the way into work.  He stopped me one day and said "you always look so beautiful!" and we have been good friends ever since, and it is cool because he is my first black friend; I have not named him, yet.  I have some other friends in the alley that like to smoke a ton, but there is another friend, Hat, that I pass on my commute back to my car on 4th street when I prefer to take the main side walk who has prob. been around the longest.  So, yesterday I took the high-rode and my new black friend and oldest friend are together! Secretly, I knew that they worked together, but I could see the look of shock when I waved to them both and they were like WTF, how do you know her.  I felt dirty.  They prob. think I am some kind of "friend whore," and that I friend everyone that walks by me, parks in my garage, rides the elevator with me or works at Roly Poly. 

Moral to the story:  You probably wish that you were as popular as I am, but trust me, there are downs.  Boy George was right when he said "Popularity breads contempt."

1 comment:

  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
